About My Websites

I'm Steve. I make websites. My sites are highly affordable, clean and simple, with excellent SEO.

I Make Two Types Of Sites

Some agencies say spending thousands is the only way to get noticed online. That just isn't true.

I offer two types of websites; bespoke and template. From only £150 / €175.

Template Websites

Pre-built "shells" that we customise to suit. The "design" work is done, so they're very affordable.

Bespoke Websites

Built to your exact specification. Cost a bit more but is unique to you with all the features you want.

Clean And Simple Design

Many website developers tend to overcomplicate their designs, loading the page with unnecessary animation and effects.

Yes, they can be fancy, but do they generate business for you or the designer?

My sites are proudly clean and simple. I focus on speed, ease of use and putting you, your products and your services front and centre.

Great On All Devices

Nowadays, websites have to look great on many different device sizes; this is called "responsive design".

All my websites are built and tested to work beautifully on every screen size you can think of, from the smallest smartphone to the biggest desktop.

Get Great Google

You can have the best site in the world, but if no one can find it on Google, it's pointless.

My sites are thoroughly search engine optimised for your keywords and phrases before deployment. Ensuring you the best chance of great search results.

My Tools

I don't use WordPress. Read why here. Instead, I use WYSIWYG editors to create "static" website code that we then publish to the internet. This approach makes them fast and secure.

I then add dynamic content (stores, forms etc.) using plugins. Read more about my process here.

Content Management System

If you want to manage your website's content (words and pictures), I can make that possible.

My CMS systems range from simple to complex, giving you just the right amount of control to keep your site fresh and up-to-date without incurring any additional costs.

Sell Online 24/7

My sites are 100% compatible with all the leading online store platforms, so your online store will display perfectly on your site.

Or, I can add one of our systems for selling online. I've several to choose from. Get in touch for details.

Start Small Grow Big

Not sure where you're business is going in the next few years? Who does nowadays?

My sites are 100% scaleable, meaning I can add pages and features as you need them, not all at the start.

Save money by starting with what you need today, not what you think you might need tomorrow.

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