Invest NI Grant

Invest NI Grant

The COVID-19 Micro-business E-commerce Grant (MBEG) is open to any micro-sized retailer (less than ten employees) that wants to expand their online presence with an ecommerce website. The scheme is operated by Invest Northern Ireland and open for applications until 12th March 2021.


MBEG will be issued to eligible businesses on a first-come-first-served basis. Invest NI recommends that you make a timely submission as the grant will close to applications, either:

  • When the available budget is fully allocated: or
  • On the closing date of 6 pm on Friday 12th March 2021, whichever comes first.


You are eligible if:

  • Your business operation is based in Northern Ireland.
  • You are a micro-sized business, trading at least two years and employing less than ten full-time equivalent staff in Northern Ireland.
  • Your business has physical, retail premises in Northern Ireland (e.g. high street shop, sales/trade counter, etc.).
  • If your business is not exclusively retail, then more than 50% of your turnover must come from the retail part of your business (i.e. you are not primarily a manufacturer or producer, etc.).
  • Your business has an existing online presence such as an online marketplace or social media accounts, or an existing basic website.
  • Your business has a physical product, or a range of physical products, that can be sold online and shipped to customers.
  • Your project is not receiving any other public funding such as government or European Union funding.
  • You can complete your project, pay your supplier and make a claim within the next six months.
  • If you are a business, which is part of a group structure with the same ultimate ownership, you can only submit one application across the group.

We Are The Perfect Partner

We are the perfect partner for any micro business looking to use this grant to get a foothold in the competitive online retail section, as it says on our homepage...

Based in N. Ireland, we've been making great looking search engine optimised websites for small business and sole traders since 2001

  • We work only with small business and sole traders.
  • We have direct and indirect experience of online retail. Read more.
  • We've been doing this in NI for 20 years!

The Next Step

We can work with you to access the grant and grow your online business, get in touch to discuss options.

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